Monday, August 1, 2011

The difference between work and life

WOW! It is insane the amount of time that has passed.

I was so excited when I last blogged to blog about the Royal Wedding and now not only is that yesterday's news, there has been two other royal weddings since then. Side note, I love anything royal. Call my a helpless romantic and a lover of everything historical. I love reading about the history of the British Monarchy. I have actually been one of those people who have stood outside for 8 hours waiting for Prince Charles and Camellia to appear at a movie premiere. I also waited for Al Pacino that night too so it totally worth it. There is something almost mystical about the royal family and how this one family has been seen as a figure head for centuries.

Photos from BBC.CO.UK BBC News

The main reason for not writing has been my problem with seperating work and life. I of course work in the event planning business for weddings, corporate events, golf tournaments so of course come spring and summer I am crazy busy. But too busy for life? Well.....yes. I come home after a rough day and bring all those troubles and let them transition into my life. My poor boyfriend should deserve a metal for having to put up with me. I am very passionate about my job and when something may not go right or is not perfect I get upset. It is a fault that I need to work on I know I know. Another one of my issues seperating life and work is my phone. I own a blackberry. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! No iphone here in this house. But with the blackberry comes the emails. When I get an email from a bride asking about linen colors or menu questions at 11pm yes I respond right then. BIG PLANNER NO NO. I recently attended an event who had a planner from "Whose Wedding Is it Anyways?" TV show on the Style Network speaking. She said no matter what she does she turns off the email and phone at 6pm every day. No matter what! This seems so foreign to me. The location that I work at is open 7 days a week. Of course I can not work that much so I have to take days off during the week to supplement working major events on the weekend. If i have a Monday off I may have an event contact me on a Monday changing something for the event on a Tuesday. Naturally I have to respond because I think the kitchen would kill me if I walk in the door and tell them a hr before an event that the client has added 10 more people. I can tell you I would not be alive right now if I did that. haha Hence working on my day off. I feel bad when I do not get back to a client right away. What to do what to do???

Tips, tricks, suggestions...How do you seperate work and life?